Saturday, August 26, 2006

Challenge #1

Q:~What non-celeb scrapbooker inspires you? Why?

A:~ Right now I am gaining so much inspiration from this girlie right here!

I don't know her, never talked to her but I was linked to her website on 2PS the other day and I can't get enough! Her name is Adrienne- hope I spelled that right! I just think she is so FREE! Talented to the extreme and I totally LOVE her style! I strive to be like this when I scrapbook, totally FEARLESS and UNAFRAID of messing up. I swear I stress too much sometimes and I think that each page has to be a work of art. It seems to me just goes with what she feels and puts her heart into it and it becomes a work of art without trying to make it that way.
Adrienne, girl Gotta love ya! I am planning on scraplifting her and uploading a page HERE---->



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